Empowering Ethiopia: The Special Fund for a Greener Future and Climate Resilience Through the Green Legacy Initiative and Restoration of Degraded Landscapes

About the Special Fund

Welcome to the transformative force driving Ethiopia towards a greener, more sustainable future - the Special Fund for the Green Legacy Initiative and Restoration of Degraded Landscapes. Led by the Ministry of Finance in partnership with federal and regional stakeholders, this fund represents a significant commitment to environmental restoration, climate resilience, and economic prosperity.

The Special Fund

The Special Fund is backed by government allocations and funds mobilized from international climate finance providers. The federal government pledges between 0.5% to 1% of the annual budget to this fund, with allocations subject to approval by the federal parliament as part of the annual budgetary process. These funds are then distributed to regional states based on a fair grant allocation formula, ensuring equitable access and impact across the nation.